fiber supplements
Celebrity spotlight shined on digestive health and Regular Girl
Regular Girl superfan Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Erin Judge dished up nutrition and digestive health advice when she appeared on YourMomCare’s Instagram Live.
A video introduction
Viv Jones from the Orange County Moms blog filmed a video about her favorite soluble fiber and probiotic supplement.
Tasty seasonal tips
To help ensure your kids are getting enough daily fiber, use this fast fiber fix: Add a scoop of gluten-free, Non-GMO Project Verified and organic certified Regular Girl into a smoothie, juice or yogurt, and you’ll be rocking and rolling.
Here’s how moms can make life better in 30 seconds
We love this blog from registered dietitian nutritionist Felicia Stoler. She explains how easy it is boost kids’ fiber intake by sneaking fiber into their diet.
Research on trendy diets reveals something is missing
If you’re thinking about jumping on one of the hot new diets, stop and do some research. We looked at the latest dietary fads – paleo, gluten-free, bone broth, ketogenic and raw – and discovered they may not include enough dietary fiber. You body needs fiber, such as the premium fiber found in Regular Girl. Fiber helps keep your digest...