digestive health

Toilet trivia every girl should know

Maybe trivia isn’t the right word for this. Trivia is generally defined as information of little importance. There are a few tidbits in here that we women have to know, especially if we want to stay balanced, comfortable and confident. The average person uses about 57 sheets of toilet paper every day. More people around the world ha...

Celebrity spotlight shined on digestive health and Regular Girl

Regular Girl superfan Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Erin Judge dished up nutrition and digestive health advice when she appeared on YourMomCare’s Instagram Live.

Because we’re all better when we work together

Living a healthy lifestyle is easier when you have friends supporting you. From neighbors accompanying you on an evening walk to co-workers bringing in freshly picked apples instead of donuts, these pals make it easier to make good choices. Your pals at Regular Girl want to help you, too. In addition to encouraging good digestive choi...

How to avoid constipation while traveling

Mama Instincts says: "Traveling interferes with your normal bodily functions because you’re thrown out of your ordinary daily routine." Read her tips here: https://mamainstincts.com/  

What an honor! Regular Girl is Meal Makeover Moms-approved!

The Meal Makeover Moms – two of the nation’s top family nutrition experts – stopped by our booth at the 2016 Food and Nutrition Conference Expo. They liked Regular Girl so much that they included it in their video blog.

This comedian doesn’t joke with readers: Your poop shape matters.

Let’s talk poop! We really like how comedian Alison Zeidman, a Brit + Co writer, covered this topic in her article.

Five New Year’s Resolutions you’ll want to keep in 2018

Sure, 2018 might be the year you spend less on clothes and beauty products. But that’s probably not realistic. When you look good, you feel good, right? You can also flip around that saying: When you feel good, you look good. Here are five easy, healthy New Year’s Resolutions that you will want to keep doing because they make you feel ...

Research on trendy diets reveals something is missing

If you’re thinking about jumping on one of the hot new diets, stop and do some research. We looked at the latest dietary fads – paleo, gluten-free, bone broth, ketogenic and raw – and discovered they may not include enough dietary fiber. You body needs fiber, such as the premium fiber found in Regular Girl. Fiber helps keep your digest...
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