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- poop shape chart
- poop that floats
- poop types
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- poop with parasites
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- soluble fiber
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- sunfiber fiber supplement
- sunfiber prebiotic
- sunfiber prebiotic fiber
- sunfiber probiotic
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- three-bite rule
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- Weight Gain in Pregnancy
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Get active with Regular Girl (because exercise is more fun with friends)
Being active is a big-time health booster but sticking to an exercise routine can be a challenge. If only you had a pal who pulled you off the couch and encouraged you to walk, run, skip or even hula hoop your way to better health. Oh wait, you do: Regular Girl and our Regular GirlFriends Facebook group!
This spring and summer, Regula...
Five New Year’s Resolutions you’ll want to keep in 2018
Sure, 2018 might be the year you spend less on clothes and beauty products. But that’s probably not realistic. When you look good, you feel good, right? You can also flip around that saying: When you feel good, you look good. Here are five easy, healthy New Year’s Resolutions that you will want to keep doing because they make you feel ...