Dr. Oz urges more fiber consumption. On his September 2 show, Dr. Oz says low fiber consumption is one of the most common health mistakes people make; lack of fiber in the diet is what may be keeping people fat and more susceptible to disease. Dr. Oz urges more fiber consumption, including the right amounts of both soluble and insoluble fiber to boost weight loss and help prevent disease.
Dr. Oz says soluble fiber cleans out the body, absorbing toxins and cholesterol in the colon. Fiber attaches to the sugar molecules, notes Oz, slowing down sugar spikes and helping flush some of the sugar out of your system. Oz says studies have proven that diets high in this fiber can actually lower LDL or bad cholesterol. He recommends 7 grams of soluble fiber per day.
Dr. Oz also recommends insoluble fiber to bulk up your poop. Studies have shown that this fiber lowers insulin levels in the body, which could mean a reduced risk for developing diabetes. Oz recommends that men get 28 grams a day and women get 18 grams of insoluble fiber a day.
Oz recommends incorporating fiber-rich foods into your daily diet. Beans contain the most fiber of any food we consume. One cup of navy beans has 19 grams of fiber in it and other beans like kidney and black beans have more than 10 grams per serving. Berries are another excellent fiber source; Oz says one cup of raspberries has 8 grams of fiber. Artichokes contain 7 grams of fiber depending on size. Quinoa has 5 grams per cup and popcorn contains one gram per cup. Sunflower seeds and other nuts also have significant fiber in them.
Another way to consume fiber is with products containing Sunfiber, which is rich in soluble fiber yet easy to digest. Sunfiber is odorless, tasteless and colorless.
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